What types of facial implants are available?

If you would like to restore the youthful shape of your face, facial implants are a good option.  Facial implants can improve the contours of your face, and make it look fuller and more youthful.  But what types of facial implants are available.  

What are facial implants?

Facial implants are solid materials that are inserted below the skin to enhance facial contours, and provide balance and definition.  Facial implants are specially designed for use in the face, and are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.  They are typically made of a non-toxic material like silicone (learn more).

What types of facial implants are available?

Facial implants for the cheeks, chin, and jaws, are the most common options available.   

Cheek implants

Cheek implants add volume to flat or sunken cheeks, and give the cheeks a higher, fuller appearance.  The cheeks lose volume with age, but strong cheekbones give the face a lifted, younger look.

Chin implants

Chin implants can enhance a weak or recessed chin, and create an attractive balance with the other facial features.   Chin implants increase the projection of the chin, and this makes the neck look leaner and more youthful. 

Jaw implants

Jaw implants add definition to the jawline, and give the face a more balanced appearance, because it increases the width of the jawline.

Are you a good candidate for facial implants?

If you would like to improve the proportions of your cheeks and chin, or strengthen your jawline, you may be a good candidate for facial implants.

Would you like to learn more about facial implants?  Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in Brookline, MA or the greater Boston area, Longwood Plastic Surgery is our featured practice.

You can reach them at www.lpsmd.com, or by calling (617) 812-4813.

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